
Code Complete

This app uses a large neural network language model to generate code for you and autocomplete any query. You can also make modifications in the first tile to change it or ask each of the 3 sampled code snippets to continue to generate more code. You can use this as a coding partner. It works best in python.

Example queries:

“python function that validates regex” -

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The StackOverflow app allows developers to find answers to their code-related questions. Search “python exceptions” to see helpful Q&A. Click across buttons to browse top-voted answers directly in your search results. Open the side panel to see all the answers to a question. Use the copy button to easily copy the code you need.

Example queries:

“send twilio sms” - twilio sms

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Search through your Github Pull Request, Public Repositories and code with the Github app. Sign in to your account to find your code directly from your search!

Example queries:

“deep learning repository” - learning repository

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Mozilla Developer Network